11 November 2018

The lies and failure of government in the Bourke St knifeman attack

One of the primary objectives of (Victoria) Police as stated in the Victoria Police Manual - Policy Rules is to "preserve the peace, protect life and property, prevent offences", as seen below in an excerpt from the manual.

The 31 year old Somali-born man who knifed the co-owner Sisto Malaspina of Melbourne's iconic Pellegrini's cafe was known to both federal and state police.

According to what was presented in the mainstream media, the 31 year old attacker was not a threat "to the national security environment", which is totally different from being a threat to the general population, which he was.

Victorian Premier Mr. Daniel Andrews states:

"We condemn it. We also take this opportunity to thank those very brave and dedicated members of Victoria Police who did all of us proud in their very quick response in very dangerous circumstances. They’ve done each and every one of us proud."

The real action was taken by a homeless man by the name of Mr. Michael Rogers dubbed "trolley man" who subdued the attacker before police took any action.

Victoria Police have not done "each and every one of us proud" as claimed by Mr. Andrews, but rather failed in their duty to prevent "offences" given the fact that the Somali-born attacker was a threat to the community.

On a side note, "criminal" offences are also traffic offences e.g. (allegedly) travelling 1km/h over the limit.

See the two different descriptions of  Ali's criminal history reported by the Herald Sun:

Make no mistake about it, the business called Victoria Police (ABN 63 446 481 493) has not done "each and every one of us proud" but rather failed in the duty to protect the community they are allegedly supposed to serve as many people are led to believe.

See video of Victoria Police retreating whereas "trolley man" is engaging:

(video source: supplied)

Victoria Police should be sued by victim's families and not put on a pedestal as spruiked by Mr. Andrews.


  1. Another great post and I agree with it . I also think the first cop was not trained , and was clueless, he could have simply booted him in the guts , or nuts for that matter, but he tried defending himself against a knife attack by putting his arm up ? , The trolley man showed plenty of courage on the other hand, the second cop was also hopeless choosing to shoot a man that could easily have been taken down with force, or a taser etc , the whole thing is just another "event " Some of which seem to be planned , either way Vic Police are woeful. The Government are the enemy but all we hear is islam islam islam . Vote out our Government .
