29 March 2019

Government removing documents; signed copy Oath of Office

The government quietly removed the link to the Bill of Rights from Western Australia's  State Law Publisher's website, which we put out into the public eye, a while ago.

We also took a snapshot of the Commonwealth of Australia, Governor-General's website in 2016, where it states that a signed copy of the  Oath of Office that Quentin Bryce took is available to the general population.

Upon clicking of that link, there is no such document to be found as seen in the following screen capture:

Just to make sure as of this posting, nearly 3 years later, there still is no live link to the document.

'Nothing to hide, Nothing to fear', right?

Please note that the Queen's Whitlam letters remain a secret, which in reality is a "national humiliation"

1 comment:

  1. I found and uploaded the original one from the site - https://mega.nz/#!lF0jTILD!hmJX8xENYNe-xVrVovqEESHSwdtDD8piZ8zroBKTHpw
