15 April 2019

A new breed of fake 'documents' appearing on social media

One of the uses for social media, is that it gives the general population the instantaneous ability to share their documents with the enitre connected world.

With that also comes that fact that a lot of false information is being deliberately shared on social media platforms.

MANY people on social media platforms only talk in memes, where the content may sound logical, but at the end of the day it's an unknown author's opinion.

Some meme's that have been created for 'entertainment purposes' or that contain false information are easy to spot, like the one below:

Now a 'new generation' of false information is being spread, where the words within look like they've been printed in a publication or newpaper, which makes the so called 'document' look legitimate.

The above picture seems to look like a newspaper article which has been highlighted where someone apparently took a photograph or scanned the so called 'newspaper'.

It states that from the Congressional Record  of the 13th of June 1967 the following words appear:

"A "citizen of the United States" is a civilly dead entity."

After obtaining the ACTUAL Congressional Record and doing a search on the terms there was no such words written in Congress, as seen below.

The Congressional Record can be obtained from:




  1. there is a lot of crap on the interned but there are also many books and law dictionaries and styles manuals that do exist on the net for people to access! ... The fact that a citizen is a dead entity is actually true, it is a corporation and exists only as a dead entity, it is ones unwitting-ignorance and agreement to be attached to such a "person" or "citizen" that gives a form of "life" to such a dead entity but under a different law called the "corpus juris" being the debtor of the Magma Carta, being the common law of man. So in many cases, the internet is probably a much more accurate source of information than the ignorance of the main stream media...

    Justinian Deception.

  2. Please note that the specific reference made is to that particular Congressional Record, which is NOT true.

    A hansard should state that 'thejuicemedia' uses the Australian Government's logo, is false information. They do not.

    Case law (e.g. an order, as opposed to DIALOGUE within the court) that states that a "citizen is a dead entity", and NOT people's OPINIONS would be of actual benefit.
