25 April 2019

Hollywood movie machine promoting debt slavery

It is truly unfortunate that many Americans look for 'guidance' from celebrities, where in reality many of those celebrities would have a far less than ideal take on life.

So now, in comes the Hollywood influencing machine, where in this case it has given a message to the general population that it's acceptable/preferable/desirable to enslave your partner to the banks for 'love' or rather as a token that you love each other consummating your marriage vowels.

In the colony called Australia, as a result of the royal commission into banking with regards to just one sector, there has been (only) a 'recommendation' of criminal charges as a result of approximately 14,000 breaches in the law, as opposed to actual charges being laid and the 'banksters' being physically incarcerated as a result.

If a serf had a driving record of similar calibre, would that 'person' not be allowed to conduct commerce on our roads?

Also in Australia, could it be that because it was 'in your face' (rather than something a little more hidden) that the herd population gathered in unity and decided to take action against the ANZ bank in the High Court of Australia in 2012, under the label of Andrews v ANZ [2012] HCA 30.

So, in general we can say that (retail) banks do not act for the benefit of the depositor or so called 'customer'.

Please note that when you give 'your' cash (or rather fiat currency) to a bank it's no longer yours.

On Australian television, an episode of the popular series The King of Queens was aired, where a major life changing decision was portrayed to be made nonchalantly, without any real thought, based on the advice of mortgage broker, which would be to his benefit and not the couple's.

Carrie and Doug apparently had 7 years left on the mortgage (a word play on engagement until death), where Doug presented the 'facts' i.e. brochures which he did not even read, to further enslave the couple for 30 years, but rather went on the advice of the broker.

The episode focused on other 'important' matters like a work 'wife' or 'husband' rather than a life changing decision, that was done and dusted with the stroke of a pen without any real consideration.

Such an important topic was 'covered up' (oops not quite, they did mention it in the trivia section further down the page) by the popular site IMDb, where all that was stated with regards to the episode was:

"Carrie and a guy (Curt) from her office get along well and when Doug finds out people at Carrie's office call Curt Carrie's 'work husband' he feels threatened. Even though he knows Curt is gay."

This is a classic example of The Dumbing Down of America 101.

Movie Moguls: 1,000 (trillion bucks) Debt slaves: -1,000 (trillion bucks)

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