20 May 2019

Homelessness - A policy of being punished for being poor

It does not matter who is elected into government, where many so called democratic governments (deliberately) do not address homelessness and if they did, the results would truly speak for themselves.

The people in government of many countries punish people for being poor and reward those who are rich, or part of elite 'men's clubs', where Australia is no exception, but rather a model to aspire to for other governments who wish oppress their people, where the difference is  all about the general population's perception that they're not being oppressed.

In the midst of record population import into the state of Victoria, there is an ever growing number of homeless, where whoever is elected as the so called leader of the state deliberately avoids taking any real action to address this epidemic.

Tackling homelessness is realistically 'bad for business', an action that is considered a liability for any government, as this does not involve huge profits for the state budget as do fines for example or (the deliberately) hyperinflated housing market.

See excerpt from by RoyalAuto, Feb-Mar 2019 issue:

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