02 June 2019

How to catalogue the next generation

As we all should know, there is no such thing as something for free, as this allegedly 'free' item or service does contain a cost value attached to it.

The authorities in this colony called Australia are conjuring up new ways to document, monitor and control their tax slave population.

What better way to get the young and naive to 'give up' their private and confidential blueprint to their existence than with a health scare that can be averted for 'free' if you give the authorities your DNA, which will be later used against you by insurance companies, to not insure you for a possible future illness that you may or may not contract, as just one example.

You may or may not know that to the authorities, you are literally a number, an expendable resource, where (in the workforce for example) if you are no longer capable of performing your task, or you are an unnecessary expense you can easily be replaced, at a cheaper rate to the employer, especially with imported slave labour on the rise, that the Australian authorities are so fond of.

If the authorities really did care about you, wouldn't this be shown in their actions, like zero homelessness, or protecting the vulnerable like Courtney Herron?

If they really did give a stuff about cancer wouldn't for example, cigarettes or McDonald's items be banned from sale?

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