30 September 2019

Legislation slips quietly through when the herd population is being distracted

The 'administration' in charge of the colony we call Australia, governs in secret with penal colony policies turning into law, that is for the benefit of corporations.

ANY resistance from the tax slaves is met with force from the men and women in uniform who are subservient to a corporation aggregate.

The herd population (i.e. dumb 'Australians') are 'entertained' with this:

As long as there is an endless supply of beer and electricity to keep the footy going, the administration is laughing at the herd they control.

The 'administration' need not to worry, as the herd in Australia will do what it's only programmed to do, that being exist at the lowest level of need, as described in Maslow's 'Hierarchy of Needs',

that being: eating, sleeping shitting and rooting.

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