19 October 2019

Water company's bill fraud

It is imperative that people check the invoices that corporations issue to them ESPECIALLY for 'services' that they allegedly provide.

It is also important to know that sending out a false invoice is a criminal offence.

We've obtained information about a customer of a water company, where a challenge to the bill occurred.

The challenge was with regards to the water usage and sewerage disposal fees.

In this instance the company's employee stated that the procedure for reading the water meter was followed, also 'stating' that the person reading the meter did actually go to the property and read that meter.

This sounds all very nice and well, pretty much text book stuff, right?

Well it would be, IF there was an actual house on the property, and water usage really did occur.

Hearing the response or rather lack of, from the company's employee was ... priceless.

The 'company' blatantly lied to the customer that an event occurred when in reality it did not, and produced a false invoice to be payed.

This is not an isolated incident, where  'customers' you know (hard working, heavily taxed) mums and dads are defrauded of their cash.

Note: we do not recommend subscription to automatic deductions by corporations for alleged services they provide, if that is an option.

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