24 November 2019

Bourke St massacre a police incompetence cover-up

The information we have obtained a while ago with regards to this matter, has always pointed to the incompetence and failure of Victoria Police, where the pinnacle of their multiple failures has made it out into the public news media of late.

As usual police lie, and get away with their lies, from alleged speeding fine infringements to murder and drug trafficking activities, but that's a little off topic.

On Wednesday the 20th of November, Victoria Police released ‘blame’ on the bail justice for letting Gargasoulas out, because they were both Greek.

Wow, can you imagine if that was equated to persons who were both from the Holy land?

What sort out outcry would there be?

As usual to denounce any responsibility the police lied.

It wasn’t the bail justice’s fault or the allegation of comradery, but rather just a simple one box too little ticked.

Once again you can rely on the deception and lies to pull through for Victoria Police, and the best part about it for them is that they get away with it, but that’s ‘normal’ in a police state.


  1. Key stone cops your day is quickly coming enter Chins you fuck wits they will exterminate you why? No one trusts traitors

  2. Keystone cops Dopey Dan we hsva new thug Chins coming to collect
    Dopey Dam make sure you have life insurance traitors are never trusted
    Remember Judas Iscariot went n hung himself
    Thus emdd the ledson

  3. Key stone cops your day is quickly coming enter Chins you fuck wits they will exterminate you why? No one trusts traitors

  4. It's very interesting that the old "ticking the wrong box" excuse was exactly the same one the Victorian Dept. of Justice (sic) trotted out when they falsified a document and submitted it to their own Magistrate's Court! Fascinating.
