14 November 2019

Google Pixel 4 and why should not buy it!

You know 'advertisements', they tell you to buy stuff even though the product may not be good for you, like McDonald's, Coca-Cola and now Google products.

Why should you not buy the Google Pixel 4?
Well for one, it's overpriced in Australia, and JB Hi-Fi is not the best place to purchase goods if you're a savvy shopper.

Now they tell you that it's made the "Google Way".

- What's this "Google Way" exactly?

Well the "Google Way" is that it will syphon all your data from the phone to Google's servers and put you into a new class called a 'data generator/provider' instead of a 'consumer' where in Australia you may have had some sort of 'Consumer Rights'.

- What's this "... always getting better"?

Well that means they're storing more and more information on you, to pass on to others.

If it (the Pixel 4) could it would syphon your snot from your nose, run DNA tests and store that data to be used against you at a later point in time by governments.

Make no mistake about it Google's Android is bad enough, but marry that up with the (tax evading) corporation's hardware and you have a PERFECT spying device.

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