19 March 2020

Scott Morrison delayed the 100 person gathering limit for his benefit


So, not too long ago Scomo, ‘Scotty from marketing’ or more accurately Scumo announced a public gathering limit of 500.

IF he really cared about the health of the people as opposed to the health of the economy, this limit should have been brought forward at least a month prior.

We also were notified that apparently our border was shut down as of today, again too little too late.

What the serfs may not be aware of is that Scotty announced a public gathering limit of 100, after he had his meeting with his cult church 'brethren', because he’d be then breaking his own ‘law’...

And we know how no one is above the law in this colony, right?

Whatever benefits you (the serfs) obtain from the government’s actions is just collateral damage to the corporation aggregate.


  1. Pathetic post. He is doing his best. Everyone is going to catch it anyway so get on with catching it, you will have antibodies and be immune, then the virus will slow down dramatically.

    1. His best is not good enough. He is running a country not a fucking daycare centre

    2. Ha ha haaaa,Vanetia, you're ignorantly funny.
