30 March 2020

Your pension was a grant

When it comes to the actions of the people in charge of this colony we call Australia, you can bet your grandmother’s pension that there is a whole lot of corruption involved.

The ‘trouble’ didn’t start in 1865, but rather that's when the imperial government had enough of the feral colonialists in government and reminded them to ‘behave’ with the Colonial Laws Validity Act of 1865.

Mind you, that Act didn’t stop them from misbehaving, as they still didn’t take notice, but rather kept it a bit more on the quiet side, still not following imperial law as mandated.

Fast forward a bit to the mid 1980’s where the colonialists in government didn’t have a clue about the authority or rather legality of an Act they were try to pass through that they initiated two different versions, one from the motherland and one local in order to screw over the tax slaves.

The motherland at the time was rolling on the floor laughing (without the acronym), at what sort of legal basket case Australia is, but once again that's a digression.

Similarly, a lot of dodgy deals have been done with regards to the ‘worker’s’ pensions.

Once upon a time, your pension was handed out by a department called the Department of Social Security, where it was stated that your pension was a grant.

Now whether or not this was legitimately in play is not the purpose of this post.

In more modern times, your pension came from a place called Centrelink, under  a government called the ‘Australian Government’ or ‘Government of Australia’, but now it comes under ‘Services Australia’, no longer a 'grant'?


Well you should be, because that’s the way it was designed.

You may or may not find answers in the ‘Constitution Act’, and no silly it’s not a red or even the ‘unlawful’ green book, that many imbeciles peddle on social media.

Like pre-1865, today we STILL have feral colonialists in government, where it seems that they are untouchable.

Okay, okay, Section 44 gave the boot to a few, meh!

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