04 April 2020

Fear mongering cashless agenda accelerated; boycott Bakers Delight, Coles, Woolies


Corporations have seized the opportunity to use fear with regards to the Coronavirus in order to profiteer from their customers by limiting their choices to cashless purchases only.

As usual there is no action there by the government of the colony we call Australia, as it is itself a corporation aggregate.

What a 'conflict of interest', there hey?

Asking the Australian people to do something with regards to their ‘liberties’, privacy and (perceived) ‘freedoms’ is like talking to a rock and expecting a response.

Conversely when [now] footy and beer runs out, the herd WILL riot.

No wonder the Australian politicians laugh at the ‘commoners’, literally having their way with them.

The RAM and the WHO (sounds like a couple of good names for rock groups, but in any event the acronyms are Royal Australian Mint and World Health Organization, respectively) have stated that:

“Medical experts have confirmed that cash, including coins is safe to use – there is no evidence that either coins or cash spread COVID-19.”

- No reprimands/fines for the CEOs of Baker's Delight by the 'government'?
- No 'fake news'/information taken down by media 'authorities'?

Seems that the 'brotherhood' are looking after each other.

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