09 May 2020

Electromagnetic Energy (EME) Reports hidden from Australians?

Transparency by the government of the colony called Australia is NOT a priority, especially when it comes to data that may be shown to be harmful to the general population, then it becomes 'hidden' under the label of it's not in the interest of the public to obtain this information.

In this case we are on the topic of electromagnetic energy emitted by telecommunications towers.

'Australia' has left its federation and departments of the state far behind in favour of a corporatocracy (that's just an opinion, others may say it's a totalitarian or fascist state) hidden in a tangled web of deceit, where the so called government or administrative body is known affectionately as a corporation aggregate.

Data now is BIG BUSINESS and everyone wants a slice of your data that you generate within this 'digital economy', where if you want something from 'them' they do NOT make it easy for you.

An organisation called the Community Broadcasting Community of Australia (CBAA), currently on its website recommends that you obtain information pertaining to electromagnetic energy reports from another entity called the Radio Frequency National Site Archive (RFNSA), as seen in the screen capture above.

The RFNSA has produced its website in such a manner that 'professors' (in I.T. of course) would find it difficult to extract information from, let alone the 'Average Joe' Aussie.

So along comes a very kind man, who devotes his (precious) time and cash to a good cause for the community in proving the data from RFNSA in a palatable format with pretty pictures that the Average Joe Aussie can digest.

But as we know in this colony, data is not for everyone, so the RFNSA has made it difficult for 'very kind man' to compile the data and present it to the community.

As a result his project has grinded to a halt, as seen in his response on a popular Australian forum:

A truly sad sign of the times for transparency.

The federal government locking down its colony.

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