20 June 2020

The false classification of the ‘pandemic’?

According to whatever authorities, there is a classification of an alleged virus to be at a ‘pandemic’ level.

From an official mainstream media source, the current stated infection rate in Australia is at 7436 cases, with a death rate of 102.

This equates to one death in 72.9 cases.

So, let’s see how the numbers stack up against the Australian Bureau of Statistics results for a virus called influenza (maybe in combination with pneumonia).

From the link above, there is also one other statistic that the government uses and we’ll compare the novel Coronavirus to this.


In 2017 there were 1,255 deaths due to influenza, recording a standardised death rate of 3.9 per 100,000 persons. This is a significant increase from 2016 where 464 influenza deaths were recorded. An individual dying from influenza in 2017 was most likely to be female, aged over 75 years, have multiple co-morbidities and living in the eastern states of Australia.

According to the ABS we have 25.2 million people at the end of 2018.

According to worldometers.info, we have 25.5 million now.

Let’s just say that we have 25 million people where the official figures is that 102 died from novel Coronavirus, at the half year mark.

That means we have a death rate of 1 person per 245,098 persons 
or as the government puts it a standardised death rate of 0.408 per 100,000 persons.

It seems that the flu/pneumonia are more of a ‘pandemic’ (in Australia) than the alleged novel Coronavirus.

Note, we totally omitted the 4269 deaths for 2017 and 3336 deaths for 2016 due to influenza and pneumonia, from the above screen capture.

So, why did the 'Australian Government' really halt the nation?

1 comment:

  1. If we look back in history late 1913 the major US & British Banks took control of the USD, it's creation distribution and the entire US credit system, in 1914 we saw the start of WW1 we see the great depression which was created by the 1929, engineered stock market crash, the depression went from 1929 to 1939 over this period British & US Banks financed Hitler's militarisation with Prescott Bush being CEO of the US Union Bank which was Hitler's Largest US financier; the Union Bank was shut down, after the 1941/ pearl harbor attack which the Penatagon knew was coming (but Prescott Bush maintained his position as Govt advisor???) the end of the depression/ 1939, is when desperate people joined the military to fight WW2 resulting in 60 million dead (roughly 30 million Russians)As Mark Twain remarked history may not repeat but it sure seems to Rhyme. Today we appear to have perhaps the first corporate global take over where Bill Gates has corrupted the WHO and like Rockefeller before Gates, he has engineered the takeover of the global medical system and All Public health services around the world to be used as a way to devastate the global economy and possibly to be used to lower the population via sterlisation adjuvants into the profiteer's desired "mandatory Global experimental vaccinations". Gates has said he gets a 20 to 1 return on Vaccination investments, Gates has allocated $10 Billion for a CV19 vacination investment; meaning he sees his share of the potential $600 Billion (for a One off vaccination; double that for a two part vaccination/ $1.2 Trillion)This would constitute the largest single transfer of wealth to an individual in history. The Problems for the Global populous are that Corona virus Vaccine research has always ended badly in the Challenge phase of animal testing; secondly mRNA vaccines are completely experimental and being created to alter Human DNA, trials to date have shown these vaccines aren't reliable and will have unknown outcomes that could alter the entire make up of Human DNA Globally forever. On top of that we have Bill Gates parents history of Eugenics and Bill gates fear of over population at a time when Birth raates across the globe,(even in developing countries have dropped to or below replacement rates, which means after 2050, the planet will see the peak and probable sharp decline in global population occuring without any mass sterilisation imposed covertly through these global vaccines. All the Media Hype has convinced at least 60% of the populous that we have a pandemic & that vaccines are the saviour while in fact we have a mild flu like virus that was tampered with by scientists in the US since 2006 to 2015 and from Chinese scientists from 2015 to late 2019. Oct 2019 saw to significant, related events, Firstly EVENT201 a WHO viral pandemic scenario, "preparedness planning" event sponsored by the CIA, World economic forum, B&M GAtes foundation, Johnson & Johnson, held at the John Hopkins University; also the World military Games was being held in Wuhan where the US military had the largest athletic & support team in the games, but anly managed 35th on the medal table??? the first cluster of CV19 cases appeared at the Oriental Hotel where the US team had stayed, near the wet markets. To me it seems as though the CIA, Gates, the WHO with other corporations entities & individuals are pushing for a Global corporate takeover.
