09 July 2020

Con artists will try to extort your driver’s licence information

There are all sorts of scams going on at the best of times, let alone when the general population is vulnerable.

During these unprecedented* and uncertain* times the uneducated masses are more susceptible to being conned than during 'normal' (whatever that may be) times.

In Victoria, the Daniel Michael Andrews government has enacted its version of the Nazi style containment area call the 'steel ring' (well, the Vic gov can't even build a tunnel properly let alone a brick wall), where travellers are told that they must show their licence.

There is no legal obligation to do so, if the driver is over 26 years of age, as stated within a law called the Road Safety Act 1986 under Section 19:

(8)     A person under the age of 26 years who holds a driver licence must have the licence in his or her possession at all times while driving or in charge of a motor vehicle.

Penalty applying to this subsection: 5 penalty units.

So, there is no legal obligation for a person over the age of 26 years to show his/her driver licence while driving or in charge of a motor vehicle.

It’s amazing that the mainstream media will not tell you this fundamental law, yet on other topics they have made reference to law.
* - The term unprecedented times is a false term as the precedent was already set in Australia with regards to a reaction to a viral outbreak, that being the Spanish Flu in 1919, where the follow up term uncertain times is also false as a question can be posed that being was the Spanish Flu dealt with.

1 comment:

  1. "So, there is no legal obligation for a person over the age of 26 years to show his/her driver licence while driving or in charge of a motor vehicle.

    It’s amazing that the mainstream media will not tell you this fundamental law, yet on other topics they have made reference to law."

    I have asked these questions from alleged competent authorities, only to be ignored.

    Question: Does one require legal training, competency and a certificate of qualification of legal matters to use a legal "NAME"?

    Question: Does one require permission to travel with their property (say an automobile as distinct from a motor vehicle) ?

    Question: Referencing the executive summary of the Birth Certificate Content Review
    N S W 2014, and i quote;"A birth certificate is used to establish identity and enable individuals to establish their rights and discharge their obligations in respect of services provided by the government and private sectors." Unquote, what is the process, procedure, instructions, how does one discharge their obligations in respect of services provided by the government and private sectors using the birth certificate or mayhap the "BIRTH CERTIFICATE" ?
