01 July 2020

Fear mongering by the mainstream media regarding case numbers?

A snapshot from an official news source, which was once ‘independent’ now under the directive of Rupert Murdoch, stated that on the 20th of June 2020 Australia had a total of 7436 cases.

Now that sounds like a lot doesn’t it, enough to shut down an ‘economy’ (as opposed to a colony), or not?

Rounding the figure to 25 million people in Australia, that brings the figure to 0.029744% of the entire population.

Let’s also note that merely taking an elevated temperature reading does not mean that the subject has the so called virus, but rather a reading that was used to elevate the numbers.

Now this independent news source draws attention to the alleged number of active cases, that being approximately one tenth of a figure previously ‘promoted’.

So, the number of people who are allegedly sick from a flu-like virus on the 30th of June, is 722 across Australia.

Simple mathematics will indicate that 0.0288% of the population is sick where the chance of recovery is over 98%.

Does that sound like a fair call to destroy the livelihood of middle class Australia, and bring out the armed forces against the people?

While Australia is (technically) a police state colony, it’s going to get a whole lot worse regarding the so called ‘freedoms’ people (allegedly) have.

Once they’re gone they will never let you have them back.

This will be evident in more data collection, anti encryption law and restrictions of movement.

Remember 'Penal Colony Policies' started in 1788 and have never left us.

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