14 July 2020

How ads and trackers in Aussie news sites chew through your mobile data

Australian online news publications are doing a good job of tracking you, but that is not good enough where better results can be obtained when you download their app.

We’ve obtained a test sample for one month worth of light browsing to the main Australian news websites that being The ABC, SBS and Rupert Murdoch’s The Age and news.com.au websites from a smartphone.

Nearly 20,000 ads have been blocked, with over 3,000 trackers stopped in their tracks and over 1 Gigabyte of data saved.

See edit results (in order to mitigate device fingerprinting) in screen capture below:

While some people may argue that mobile data is cheap, where that may only be a personal point of view, that is not the point of the article.

The point is that the corporations would have collected / you would have given away, 1 GB of data just from (light) browsing of their ‘news’ services, keeping in mind that the equivalent apps would have collected even more data.

Realistically this is just NOT good for your privacy or online security.

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) ad blockers, together with end to end encryption (say open source, i.e. NOT Messenger, Whatsapp etc) communications app are a must on your smartphone if you are truly serious about your online privacy and security.

Also modifying your internet use of the standard social media platforms from smartphone to PC web based (also via VPN) is a must.

Unfortunately for their privacy, MANY Australians still choose their smartphone to communicate on the popular social media platforms, where it’s a case that you deserve to lose your privacy/security.

One can easily have over 1 GB of data 'stolen' (monetary value depends on your mobile plan) by the corporation just from browsing their sites.

NOT very good if you're on a low data plan is it now?

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