22 August 2020

ASIO on a PR propaganda campaign amidst its new draconian law

The colonial government is ramping up its thumbscrews against the very tax slaves that fund it, in a fascist, totalitarian, draconian or any other manner that others describe Australia is headed down.

ALL the ‘arms’ of government (executive, parliament, judicature) work tirelessly in eroding your perceived rights, freedoms and movement.

The Australian Government is putting forward an idea to tighten up the thumbscrews on the Aussie serfs under the label of the ASIO Amendment Bill 2020.

For the ‘benefit’ of the Australian people this idea (a Bill) must not become law (an Act).

As the Director-General of ASIO Mike Burgess stated:

"There is no such thing as a casual conversation or media opportunity,"

So, he went on a propaganda advertising campaign, for new recruits, to say look how cool we are, equating this to Q from James Bond movies.

At law, ‘Australia’ treats you like a criminal under the strict liability and absolute liability banners, where first and foremost you are guilty.

‘Security’ (for Australia’s business interests, or its people?) is important but there is a difference between unwarranted searches, non-discriminatory data collection and taking action against specific ‘threats’.

As the Attorney-General’s Department states, people are able to participate in the law-making process.

This proposed law must not be enacted, but history tells us that Australians will do no such thing to stop it coming through.

It seems that they LOVE the slavery being dished out to them.

MAYBE they won't let you out of this colony without a 'covidpass' or being vaxxed?

But then again 'Minority Report' (with Tom Cruise) is fiction, right?

So were submarines, once upon a time.

Australia, the best slavery test bed on the planet, where the people are failing spectacularly!

See link to ABC article:


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