29 August 2020

Vic Gov was right, now wash your hands India, 'we're all in this together'!

We should comprehend that laws are put in for a reason.

Like in Arizona, it’s illegal for a donkey to fall asleep in a bathtub.

Why? Because there was obviously a need for it!

In California, it’s illegal to whistle for a lost canary before 7am.

Meanwhile in the colony, in a smallish state down south called Victoria, where the more northern states refer to its residents as ‘Mexicans’ with obvious connotations analogous to the U.S. during an apparent global viral super deadly pandemic those filthy Victorians are told not to mask up but rather to wash their hands.

WTF ??? !!! ???

What the hell is going on down south, y’all?

So what happened after colonisation?

When ‘they’ went south those filthy colonists didn’t wash their hands, obviously.

During the Spanish Flu, those filthy Victorians didn’t learn their lessons and still refused to wash their hands.

Now, during this modern age of outsourcing and globalisation, version 2.0 of the flu had to go ‘global’ and those filthy filthy Victorians STILL refused to wash their hands.

So those poindexters deep in the anal annals of government, deliberated over months and months after the pandemic hit and came out with a ‘winner’.

Millions of dollars of taxpaying 'mums and dads' funds exchanged plenty of hands to produce a television commercial that most struggle to comprehend, that being to wash your hands.

Even young Geoffrey had to have it drummed into this thick head a fair few times, all those years ago.

(Referring to a television message to purchase Solvol)

Remembering that when a government tells its plebs to do something, there’s a reason for it.

But you see here’s the problem.

Does that television message to conduct business/commerce/trade, by overloading your stockpile with sanitising products which are useless against the so called threat, apply to the ‘native’ Victorians?

The feral federal government of this colony decided to import the dregs of society from other nations whose governments didn’t want their humans, especially those ones that didn’t scrub their hands.

Sure, a fair few good people got swept up in that dragnet, but hey such it life.

So, good ol’ Melbourne town became the dumping ground to approximately 2,500 humans per week who did not know what to do with the ‘porcelain princess’ or its friend not too far away.

Once again the government boffins got to work and deliberated the faith of those filthy Victorians over champagne and seafood in parliament house to produce an instruction card on how to use those porcelain miracles of modern technology.

Since a picture (allegedly) tells a thousand words, the pamphlet those poor mums and dads forked out for those rejects other governments didn’t want is great value for money.

So now you know ‘patient zero’, the fella who could not make heads or tails from that sign, where as a result he didn’t wash his hands after pulling out his willy.

Back to you Vic government for another go!


‘Victorians’ were named after (a filthy) Queen Victoria, who (obviously) did not wash her hands too, which led her to losing her marbles later on in her life, or was that from a sexually transmitted disease, never mind it was from pure filth anyway.

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