03 September 2020

Covid exposes Australia’s police forces as abusers and molesters under totalitarian state?

The ‘mentality’ or justifications of abusers is that their victims must ‘fear’ them.

The police have full support of Australia’s lawmakers under the new ASIO Act where police can abuse children and get away with it under a so called national security blanket.

Because you have to abuse children for the safety of the serfs?

After all you can’t argue against ‘terrorism’, right?

A disproportionately high amount of women are abused in the hands of the police spouses, or just ‘plain’ police officers,  many times more than in the general population pool.

Many court cases show that the Australia’s judiciary ‘supports’ the actions of abuse by those in power, especially by the state’s police forces.

It seems that the colonists have the people wrapped up in a totalitarian, fascist (or any other description that may come to mind) régime that would make Kim Jung Un or Xi Jinping blush. 

So called 'democracy' died in Australia a long time ago.

The new 'normal' will be that you will be able to leave this colony not 'freely' but under specific conditions, then maybe in the not too distant future, they won't let you out of this colony at all, under whatever pretext they see fit.

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