29 September 2020

Do not pay the $5000 (COVID) fine

The message is very simple.

Do not pay any fine in relation to COVID.

Whether it's $200, $1652 or $4957 that is issued by Victoria Police.

With every single fine you have the right, or rather it is your obligation to have the matter heard in court.

Seek the correct legal advice in order to be prepared.

In short the fines have not been issued lawfully.

After giving your 'details' (name, address and date of birth), ANY further interaction with police must be met with a 'no comment' response. 

It is irrespective of what you may think or have been taught prior by some internet 'gurus', or whatever the bait question is, or even however you feel that your seemingly innocuous response of  "I remember being born a free man" is.

MANY people suggest not paying the fine, but also when the reminder notices come, they also suggest a 'no contract' sticker response or something similar, where this does not make the fine go away as suggested by those who have taken this path, but rather the fine progresses to 'sheriff' stage.

While some people have staved off the actions of the sheriff, this is out of reach for all but a few in Victoria.

Who knows, if you don't pay their 'COVID' fine, by the time it gets to court and after a few appeals you may be part of a class action lawsuit against the government.


Remember to always record your interaction with the police, either in their face or with a hidden recorder, as this can make all the difference in court.

The police lie, deceive the court, tamper with evidence and also do commit an illegal activity when issuing a fine.

It is up to you to catch them, get them to admit it, then take action at a point in time in the not too distant future.

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