15 October 2020

iPhone 12 released, but when should you buy it?


If you’ve reached this site regarding information on the new iPhone 12 then you maybe should already know that it’s been released into various ‘markets’ especially if you’re a tech geek, because you're already following the so called 'leaks*'

You should also be aware that it does not come with headphones nor a charger as allegedly this is to save the environment according to Apple.

If they really wanted to save the environment then they wouldn't be releasing a plethora of models every year but rather a couple of years and only different one or two models.

The ‘stunt’ by Apple was not an environmental move but an economic one.

So they’ve wowed you with 3 cameras (WOW!).

That’s so 2018 with regards to many other manufacturers.

You’re paying for an overpriced gadget that has lackluster so called ‘new’ features which have been integrated in other manufacturer’s phones a couple of years ago,

So, when should you purchase this ‘new’ overpriced smart phone?


Never is the answer if you’re concerned about privacy.

If you’re truly concerned about privacy, something totally different to security, then this will be reflected in your actions where you would be the user of a phone which can accommodate a ‘ROM’ that is based on a native version of Android called AOSP (Android Open Source Project), which then it's something called a de-Googled phone, where the phone does not ‘phone home’ to Google every second of the day (literally).

Now, now, let's not be an Apple 'fanboy' and spam the site, where you'd pretend that you know something about privacy.

* - a brilliant marketing strategy.

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