01 April 2021

Susan Kiefel, the High Court of Australia corrupt – Queensland edition

There is no separation of powers in Australia as alleged by the people in power.

The ‘brotherhood’ (now includes token women) in control of the three tiers of government, that being the Executive (the Queen, Governors, Governor-Generals), Parliament (MPs, bureaucrats) and the Judicature (Judges, courts and police) do not work separately, independently in the ‘interest of  justice’ but rather conspire against their salary suppliers, that being the people of Australia.

As people should know in 1922 ‘democracy’ was thrown under the bus in Queensland, with the abolishing of the Upper House (Legislative Council) with full support of the people, i.e. without a peep from the general population.

The (now) private business that we call a ‘court’ is supposed to be a place of remedy, but that is not so in many cases.

Sure, a serf may obtain a remedy from a parking fine or speeding ticket if presenting the correct paperwork with regards to the unlawful conduct of those in government, say with regards to the ‘Queen of Australia’ or the enactment of a law, but the win may never be on the ‘public record’ where what they do is dismiss the matter, so there is no trace of the evidence tendered or mention of the contents in a transcript.

Another common action by the court is to ignore subpoenas if the people in power must produce whatever evidence is required of them, where an allegedly lawful action was carried out.

As an example in Victoria, a subpoena was issued for the so called sheriff (then Mr. Brendan Facey) to produce a warrant (the instrument) that allowed [the ‘deputies’] to take possession of vehicles /cash etc in relation to not paying infringement notices arising from so called road 'offences'.

The evidence required for the court matter was not produced by the Sheriff’s Office Victoria, where the judge ignored the requests by the defendant for the office to produce the so called warrants.

The warrants to NOT exist, as prescribed by the law and never have.

A position description describing a sheriff for Victoria no longer exists, whereby the person replacing Mr. Facey a Mr. Warwick Knight cannot legally be called a 'sheriff'.

Victorian drivers have been duped by the government.

Would a court ignore the subpoena if a serf was required to produce evidence?

Would a serf not be charged, if the required evidence was not produced?

Well, in Queensland it gets worse for the serfs.

So called ‘justice’ Susan Kiefel, quashed a subpoena for the people in government to produce evidence that substantiated a lockdown, basically perverting the course of justice.

Next thing you know they'll call her 'the Honourable'. 

As a result you cannot trust the High Court of Australia in your matter, that exposes government corruption.

Is today’s High Court of Australia, which began in 1979, in accordance with ‘the Constitution’?

Do we truly have 'Chapter III' courts in Australia?

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