10 May 2021

Why did Melb tower lockdown class action lawyer really lose her livelihood?

According to its motherland, the colony we call Australia is a legal ‘basket case’.

From instances like the ‘Queen of Australia’, the Australia Act 1986 (yeah, which one), Constitution Act 1975 (Vic), Citizenship Act 1948, ‘Ch. III courts’ and other occurrences in Australia’s timeline, they're all done beyond the powers granted to the colony.

Contrary to popular belief and ‘false advertising’ by those in government, there is no separation of powers.

Separation of powers is supposed to exist within the tree tiers of government, that being;

1). The Executive, Governors, Governor General, the Queen,

2). Parliament, MPs bureaucrats,

3). The judicature, i.e. the people involved in the administration of justice, including the police.

The separation of powers do not exist when people from the above 3 tiers belong to the ‘brotherhood’, whether it be Freemasons, Fabians or even the cult called Hillsong Church.

Whatever oath of office is taken it’s subverted by the brotherhood’s oath, which is technically illegal, but as we know ‘everything is legal, until you get caught’, well that saying applies to some.

Headlines were made when a Melbourne lawyer (i.e. an officer of the court), lodged a class action lawsuit against the unlawful lockdown of residents in housing commission accommodation, i.e. the ‘vulnerable’.

The moment it was lodged within the courts, her ability to earn a living was taken from her by the VLSB (Victorian Legal Services Board), where the legal enforceability is in question.

See: https://lsbc.vic.gov.au/about-us/board-and-commissioner/record

As usual this topic gained traction on social media, by people who are referred to as Facebook lawyers, meaning a derogatory term for people who have an incorrect opinion on law, irrespective of their legal qualifications.

So, a person, let’s call him Greyham drew attention to this lawyer’s case being in the Family Court that being “Kocak & Fahri [2020] FamCA 652 (10 August 2020)”, where he stated that the lawyer “started to grift to vulnerable potential clients”.

To make it even more absurd, good ol’ Grey’s mentality is that the Austlii document is the court’s (i.e. the FCA's) document, which it is not.

In any event we pity anyone trying to obtain some legal advice from good ol’ ‘Greyham’.

So back to the brotherhood, they struck with a premeditated vengeance against the Melbourne based lawyer from AdvocateMe, in order to teach others not to go against the system.

Some other mildly retarded people on social media will say that the lawyers in the Lawyer X, Informer 3838 matter exposed corruption and nothing happened to them.

Sure, but what also Ms. Serene Teffaha exposed was that with regards to that matter, was the support of paedophiles by the Family Court.

With reference to the matter that was in the spotlight on social media by ol’ Grey, ‘judge’ Nora Hartnett facilitated children to be in the hands of an [accused] paedophile.

The matter also navigates through international borders, which is an embarrassment to the Australian Government.

See also:


See Austlii reference:


Ms. Teffaha is also known for exposing corruption within the ATO in 2012:

See link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MWLwXTxuVY

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