12 June 2021

Victoria the secret police state, no sheriff no warrants

Australia, still "roamed by rascals and outlaws" (but with a twist).

Even though it’s classified as being on the ‘east’ coast, Victoria is the ‘wild wild west’ meaning it’s lawless, with one major difference that being the lawlessness is not from the citizens but rather from the authorities.

Back in the 1800’s the authorities of the non federated colony were running amok.

Forty years of martial law came to an end with the installment of the Australian Courts Act.

This did not help the ‘free range’ prisoners on the isle, where the authorities were ‘feral’ with regards to the so called law, with total disregard to the laws of England.

Thirty sever years later, the colonialists needed to be reminded of this in paper, where the Colonial Laws Validity Act was put in place.

While this may have seemed to make a difference in the immediate future, this adherence to the law is totally lacking by today’s law ‘enforcers’.

Now in this federated colony, it’s almost quite literally ‘it’s all legal, until you get caught’ scenario.

Even when caught beating the public senseless the police don't give a damn as the officers involved do not pay for any consequences personally, where they are protected by the 'brotherhood'.

MAYBE this may or may not changed in an [quite probable] up and coming matter of Nick PATTERSON v The State of Victoria & VICTORIA POLICE & Ors?

We have obtained information from the government that shows that there was no lawful appointment of a so called ‘sheriff’ of Victoria, under the well advertised persona of Brendan Facey.

A lawfully appointed sheriff of Victoria is an officer of the Supreme Court of Victoria, where the appropriate paperwork reflects this.

Mr. Brendan Facey has not been lawfully appointed as the ‘sheriff’ of Victoria.

The authorities ignoring subpoenas

To make matters worse the courts are ignoring subpoenas, not made against the serfs, but rather those in government.

With relation to road traffic infringements, the then so called ‘sheriff’ of Victoria was subpoenaed to appear in court  to testify with regards to the (alleged) warrants issued by the office he conducted business from.

Mr. Brendan Facey failed to appear in court, where the court did not follow up with the mandatory action of issuing a warrant for his arrest in order to appear in court to answer these serious allegations.

When a subpoena occurs against a member of the serf pool and the requirement is not fulfilled, the court has zero hesitation in following up with an arrest warrant.

No so in the case of the so called ‘sheriff’.

In a Melbourne court room, the legal counsel for the office of the ‘Sheriff of Victoria’ admitted that warrants do not exist with regards to Infringement Notices if they are not paid.

This occurred in a 'court of public record'.

Doesn’t the mainstream media have court reporters?

Why was this not mentioned in the ‘news’?

Isn’t this a matter in the interest of the public?

To make matters even worse or rather continue with the illegitimacy, Facey’s so called replacement Warwick Knight has not been lawfully appointed as a sheriff either that being the lawful officer officer of the Supreme Court of Victoria.

This is an unusual matter where the courts are perverting the course of justice, at the expense of the general population.

See hidden recording at 'Fines Victoria':

Fun with Fines part 1 (Official Authorised Version)

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