17 June 2021

Who ‘owns’ the courts in Australia?

Why was the royal commission into banking a farce?

The people in control of Australia have turned this federated colony from a ‘Commonwealth’ to a corporatised dictatorship.

The courts are corrupt to their Anglo-Masonic core.

See link to Cracking the Canberra Code:


While the serfs may have their legal skirmishes won against an authority or two, many important matters, e.g. correctly exposing the fake ‘Queen of Australia’ or exposing that banks have no lawful instrument to see through foreclosures, the (Victorian) so called sheriff having no lawful instrument (i.e. warrant) to pursue alleged debts, foreclosures seizure of property are sealed, hidden from the public the very public that funds the so called ‘justice system’ for the alleged reason of not being in the interest of the public.

Since the people have ‘agreed’ through their non-action (being consent) to be put into an alternate jurisdiction (from the ‘Commonwealth’) of solely corporate binding contracts, the courts have been compromised where the stakeholders are banking and financial services institutions.

Under the leadership of Malcolm Turnbull, Australia was officially a Goldman Sachs run business, where Turnbull was member the multinational corporation.

The Australian judicature’s stakeholders are the ‘Big Four’ under various guises, where ultimately their interests are held within the clutches of Goldman Sachs.

The claim by the ‘Australian Government’ is that there is a separation of powers within the three tiers of government (executive, government, judicature) where this is false information given the fact of the influence of the ‘brotherhood’ and the banking and financial services sector.

So, how can the victims of the banks obtain a fair and impartial hearing with regards to their grievances?

They can’t.

It doesn't exist.

See video: 'banks & their influence'

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