23 July 2021

A behind the scenes look into Facecrook’s censorship

(the red marks marks have been added so that the key words are obscured)

Here is a unique insight into Mark DataBurglar’s ‘social media’ monopoly.

MANY people have the idea that censorship means the redacting of words in articles, but it also means limiting the flow of information, which is exactly what the so called social media forum does.

Here is a screen capture of an article that ‘just’ featured a video clip.

The AI (Artificial Intelligence) software then scanned the frames of the video, and according to the parameters signed of by the data burglar, flagged the post under a particular label, which then limited its propagation.

People are then only shown the numbers of the above post being 72 (whatevers), 44 (comments) and 27 (shares).

The same information was then packaged up differently into a post where it was not flagged and the results speak for themselves, with the ‘full’ statistics made public.

The results at the time of the screen capture are, 14,178 people reached, 205, 209 and 149.

What the public are not shown and the content creator has the following information: 

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