07 July 2021

Scam website: "commonlaw.earth" Do NOT PROVIDE personal information!

There are plenty of scams on the internet going around nowadays, like debt forgiveness sites, and now 'common law' sites.

The people who put together this information have very little comprehension of the topic they are spruiking.

Apparently this week's fad in the legal realm is to obtain a live birth record, to apparently obtain some sort of standing in 'common law'?

Well, apparently this site is the one to go to.

We do not recommend persons to put in their 'private & confidential' information into a 'random' website, where you do not have any clue where your data is going where maybe at some later point in time the data could be used to obtain fraudulently generated documents.

If you genuinely must obtain your live birth record, the appropriate registry in the Australian state or territory can supply you with one for a small administrative fee.

This so called 'certificate' that you can print out, can be put up on the wall of your Water Closet in case of emergency:


  1. You appear to expose the corporate scam, which is good, yet then disparage Mike Holt who also exposes their corruption. Is this just an ego based attack?
    There is no info on who is "blogging" this blog post, Corporate Australia except for the link to AuCorp (https://www.blogger.com/profile/06535580971589284510) which has zero info in the about section. Whereas all Mike's info is on all his websites.

  2. What do you mean ? Are you saying that they are scamming people ?
    Where is the proof of what you are saying ?
    Where did you get this information ?
    I was wanting to do a birth certificate in common law through that website, but now I’m a bit concerned about doing that .
    Can someone please clarify this info ?

  3. I am the webmaster for commonlaw.earth... before you post rubbish like this why don't you contact me to find out the TRUTH? Or is your website just a scam?
    Mike Holt

  4. SO, Mike Holt,

    Two questions:

    1). Has your 'certificate' got any legal standing?
    2). Is your certificate a lawful instrument?

  5. If you had done your research and asked me and other assembly members questions, you would not even be asking these questions. So, allow me educate you...

    1. You talk about 'legal standing'. There is no 'legal' in common law. 'Legal' is an admiralty law term. You need to comprehend that we currently have 2 law jurisdictions in Australia. Learn to differentiate between the two.

    2. Common Law is what the people make it. Think about that and try to comprehend what it means. If you can't, then do your research.

    And by the way, ALL information recorded on our website is kept 100% secure. We never share anyone's information with anyone. We abide by the Privacy Act, which you would know if you had bothered to read the website and our Privacy Statement.

    Unless you can prove your accusations I urge you to delete this piece of rubbish and do something useful with your life to help others, instead of braying like a donkey about things you obviously have not comprehended.

  6. So, Mike Holt

    I did NOT ask to be 'educated' by you, where what I DID ask of you was two specific questions.

    For the second time:

    1). Has your 'certificate' got any legal standing?
    2). Is your certificate a lawful instrument?

    A Yes or No answer to each of the above questions will suffice.

  7. Are you going to take this slanderous rubbish down?

  8. So, for the third time, Mike Holt:

    1). Has your 'certificate' got any legal standing?
    2). Is your certificate a lawful instrument?

  9. Do you know how to read? I already answered you.

  10. uuummm no you didn't.

    The questions required a yes or no answer and not some sort of verbal diarrhoea you chose to respond with.

    The comments on this topic from you are now closed, where they will no longer be monitored.

  11. This Mike Holt guy doing the classic avoidance... He's got no legs to stand on.

  12. AuCorp, I'm not here to answer your questions. Read the common law website and stop trying to bait me. I don't bite. Do your own research... the second rule of common law is Take responsibility for your own actions. If you've got legitimate questions then do the research yourself.
    Your questions show that you have not bothered to do the research properly.
