16 August 2021

"Australia has gone Mad!" says former police officer about governmental sex guidelines

The colonialists in charge of the Australian people have gone feral with their so called mandates.

The whole world is watching this sh!t show in Australia, and we're literally the laughing stock at the arse end of the world.

You (the serf) are not allowed to talk to your neighbour.

You (the serf ) are not allowed to help your neighbour.

You (the serf) are not allowed to buy certain foods.

These are the words from the people in control of this colony.

Sound familiar with regards to a régime of the 1930's?

See video:

They truly need to be removed from office.


  1. Unbelievable we thought the UK was bad but the Aussies have got bigger fools running the Country than the UK 😥😥😥😢🤬🤬👹👹

  2. The lovely young woman on the video seemed a little confused herself though she is heading in the right direction and I did check out her story about the covid safe sex. That was on the NSW website. I must admit, I did have a good chuckle about that because it shows how absurd but determined our government puppets are to play out this charade for there masters. The fact is that there are many Australians that are not confused at all. We see straight through the rhetoric and to the crux of the matter. That we are being played by the UN, the WHO, The World Economic Forum, the World Bank, Big Pharma, Big Tech etc, etc, all in the name of the One World take over. This particular step being the eugenicists dream, depopulation, enter Bill Gates, Big Pharma and big tech, on to the global stage. We know who the people are that are financing these agenda's, lets face they don't particularly hide it. It is sad to see that Australia has become the laughing stock of the world.
