24 August 2021

Placebo effect j@b in Australia

We’ve obtained information from a source that needs to remain unidentifiable and the workplace not to be mentioned with regards to the information that was given.

The source stated that the so called figures the Australian government is touting with regards to the production of a particular fluid are unobtainable within the facilities in Australia.

As a result, many of the viles contain something called the placebo effect or more specifically a saline solution.

The reason for this is to get people ‘hooked’ or more importantly registered to take the so called ‘cure’ at later points in time.

This goes inline with what the media are telling people that a second or third shot, maybe even fourth or annual shot forever, needs to be taken.

The reality being that many people did not obtain what they came for, that being an alleged ‘cure’, but rather a saline solution, where the alleged cure may come on the second or even third shot.

MANY reports are also surfacing that fully (two shots) j@bbed people are contracting the disease, that being as a result of the saline injection.

The deception by government with regards to this matter goes beyond the comprehension of most people.

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