23 October 2021

Europe vs Australia. Is it really about your health?

Australia at law is (still) a colony and therefore something what we call 'penal colony policies' (PCP) are in action

One of those policies in force is that of  control, monitoring and restrictions of movement of the general population, that being the serfs.

One may be excused for using that it's for health reasons.

But is it really?

In (real) civilised countries of Europe, as opposed to this colony, people are not discriminated against whether or not they have had a medical procedure (in the form of an injection) touted by governments, where they can travel (freely) upon a negative result of a test.

But the same occurs here in Australia, many will say, right?

Sure, but as always, there's a 'but'.

In Australia, the authorities are using an outdated flawed test procedure namely the RT-PCR test, where the 'authorities' are in charge of the outcome being a positive or negative test result.

IF the cycle threshold is dialled in at 40 then a (false) positive test result is obtained.

The WHO recommended that the cycle threshold be between 22-35, where even at 35 the test results return a (false) positive.

The results are manipulated to suit the political and/or business agenda in play.

What's worse you as a patient or even 'consumer' of a purchase of a health service do not obtain the actual result or even the details of how the test was carried out but rather a text message of either a positive or negative test result, and not 'person' has taken this to court?

Did you (the Australian reader of this post) obtain a test result on paper that you would like to share (private detailed blanked out of course)?

In the U.S, it's health authority the CDC banned the type of test being used in Australia, but the colonial government has (deliberately) not moved on.

In Europe, the rapid antigen test is being administered where a more accurate test result is obtained in approx. 15 minutes from a non painful nor invasive test procedure, where people can go on their way at major transit hubs.

There is no 'freedom' day or even freedom of movement, but rather conditions, caveats or restrictions imposed by the fascists in control of Australia.

The Australian Government is a tyrannical dystopian one, not dissimilar to that what the people of North Korea are enduring under the guise of a so called global health situation.

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