28 October 2021

How the authorities falsify 'cases'.

We have obtained information from a source that wishes to remain confidential from within the medical industry in Victoria as to the testing of people in order to determine a result referred to as a 'case', that being positive for a particular strain of virus.

In Victoria, the RT-PCR test is used to determine whether or not someone has the virus.

The NSW department of health, publicly stated in a tweet that it uses the PCR test at 40 in their testing of the general population.

This contravenes the direction by the WHO where the recommended cycle threshold is ~25-30.

Prior to submitting to the medical examination, the 'consumer' is asked whether or not a jab (or two) was previously administered.

If the answer is yes, then the test is dialled down, and if the answer is no the cycle threshold is increased to give the result of a false positive.

Consumers are NOT given a paper report of their examination, as they should be, in line with pretty much every other single examination previously done in Australia, as this is a legal document, but rather they are texted a simple message with regards to the end result.

First and foremost this is deception carried out by the testing centres, since you are not given YOUR result in full.

We previously posted a test result from a RT-PCR test which shows its inaccuracy as seen below:

See explanatory notes within the article: 

This is one of the greatest cases of fraud in Australia's medical history, where the people are complicit.

The current premier Daniel Michael Andrews, when he was a health minister falsified the 'cases' with regards to the swine flu.

BEFORE submitting to a test, tell them that you require the full result for legal purposes.

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