29 December 2021

Gov. lies on who can access your 'tracing' & QR code details, exposed in secret court case

In the (penal) colony called Australia they govern in secret under a totalitarian manner with no transparency, yet they tell the plebs that they live in a democracy and “Nothing to hide, nothing to fear”, right?

The corrupt judiciary keeps court cases from you (the people), yet every single 'restricted' or sealed matter is in the interest of the public.

The scum in government lie to you, they lie to you every single day, just like the AFP (Australian Federal Police) have admitted that they do too.

See article:


You are told that you 'must' conduct an action in commerce/business/trade by scanning in a QR code before you enter a premises, yet the ASD (Australian Signals Directorate) warns people not to scan QR codes.

See article:


Note: We do not recommend persons to scan QR codes, period.

A secret filing from within the Supreme Court of Victoria on the 22nd of June 2021 was shown to the Herald Sun's subscribers but the readers were unable to download it.

Please find a downloadable copy here:

Another self serving politician 'acting' (they're ALL actors, aren't they?) premier Jacinta Allen defends the totalitarian government's actions.

They're lying to you that your details and those of others are safe and they're trying to cover up the fraud for the next five years.

For the past two years the Victorian people have been told by 'contact tracers' whoever they are that the data will only be used for 'health purposes', but again the people have been lied to.

Literally anyone with the cash or 'excuse' could obtain it.

Victoria Police have been abusing the database.

In this day and age, ANY new legislation is realistically to the detriment of the masses, where surveillance and limiting of movements is of utmost importance to the authorities.

'Andrews' new Bill only makes it easier for the average serf to become a criminal.

Another scumbag in office 'Covid commander' (whatever unlawfully enacted BS position that is), Jaroen Weimar launched legal action to keep the court case secret for the next 5 years.

Remembering: "Nothing to hide, nothing to fear".

Weimar even acknowledged that if the Department of Health was ordered to hand over people's PRIVATE information, then his team's assurances the would not share data "would not have been accurate"

Weimar is another person that should be removed from office!

Across this colony, we have courts dealing in secret MUCH to the detriment of the people.

On the topic of secrecy or rather transparency in another matter, a Victorian 'court of public record' was told the the sheriff's warrants do NOT exist, where then sheriff Brendan Facey was subpoenaed to show the warrants, but the lawyers for the Sheriff's Office Victoria stated that none existed.

This is the level of fraud and deception in Australia the people are under.

Another corrupt institution is the Department of Health.

They too want keep matters secret from you!

WorkSafe (VWA), demanded late last year that the Department of Health hand over the personal information of guests, staff and security guards at the Rydges Hotel Carlton and the Stamford Hotel Melbourne – the source of the called outbreaks that allegedly seeded Victoria’s second wave.

As the department pushed for the case to be suppressed, documents reveal that Marcus Hoyne, acting for VWA, ­argued the court should not ­assist the public being misled.

See paperwork in the Supreme Court of Victoria, Melbourne, Common Law Division, Judicial Review and appeals list:

Secretary to the Department of Health v Victorian WorkCover Authority and KELLY WILLIAMS:

He accused the department of seeking the suppression “to prevent the public from knowing the true story that information provided through contact tracing may have to be disclosed”.

People should not be misled into believing their information is confidential when it's not

Small Business Australia, whose members have been ­ordered to ensure patrons check in using the QR codes, said the revelation is “another example of why trust in the Victorian government is at an all-time low”.

“They say one thing, do another and then spend as much taxpayer money as they can in the courts in an effort to cover up their deceit,” executive ­director Bill Lang said.

“Victorians deserve a government that is truthful, does what it says it will do and operates with integrity, not a government that blatantly and actively deceives and then uses every mechanism at its disposal to hide the truth from the public.”

Victorian premier Daniel Michael Andrews is a serial liar, and as a result he must be removed from office.

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