19 June 2021

Is your phone listening to your conversations? The video Google deleted that Facecrook doesn’t want you to see?

In the previous post, we drew attention to how Google is recording you via its product, a 'smart' speaker called Google Home.

In the comments section of that video, the author Liron Segev mentioned that he's done another similar video with regards to the 'social media' (or rather 'advertising') giant we colloquially call Facecrook.

The video has since been removed.

Approximately 3 weeks later a video on this topic was posted, where at this point in time it is unclear whether it's the same video that was once removed.

In any event, the current video mentions some fascinating results, and most importantly a tutorial on how to see what Zuck knows about your online identity where you have an 'account' within his data gathering corporation.

Please note:

- We do not recommend using 'social media' apps from your phone, where if you must then from your personal computer will be a better alternative.

- We do not recommend using 'closed source' apps, as it is not disclosed by the app manufacturer where your data goes.

- We do not recommend using Apple devices if you truly value your privacy, where a 'de-Googled' phone would be a better alternative, from 'barebones' Android (AOSP) providers like; LineageOS, /e/ foundation, GrapheneOS, CalyxOS or others.

See video:

Is your phone listening to your conversations? 🤔


18 June 2021

Google Home is secretly recording you. I have proof!

Did you willing consent to Google recording you in your own home?

See Google Home terms and conditions in the following link:


17 June 2021

Predators in the judiciary

While one cannot technically call magistrate Rodney Higgins a paedophile, it's behaviour like this that can easily be seen as predatory, given the fact that many women or more specifically young women are ‘forced’ into relationships with older men in positions of power.

Ashleigh Petrie now cannot  confirm nor deny his actions that can be seen as predatory, nor are many other women prepared to publicly state the same as their careers and livelihood and families can be put at risk.

Quite simply put men in positions of power, force themselves on the much younger female victims for sexual favours where if the victim comes out, then she will be financially ruined, with the added bonus of a character assassination by their the media or the court.

This is not new, where this ‘problem’ has been going on for quite some time in Australia.

Vile humans of this calibre need to be removed from positions of power, but it is generally accepted that since it has not occurred, it will not occur in any immediate future as the brotherhood protects its ‘kind’.

To make matters worse he 'stole' his victim's superannuation that was allocated to her mother.

And he was in charge of your matter?

Who ‘owns’ the courts in Australia?

Why was the royal commission into banking a farce?

The people in control of Australia have turned this federated colony from a ‘Commonwealth’ to a corporatised dictatorship.

The courts are corrupt to their Anglo-Masonic core.

See link to Cracking the Canberra Code:


While the serfs may have their legal skirmishes won against an authority or two, many important matters, e.g. correctly exposing the fake ‘Queen of Australia’ or exposing that banks have no lawful instrument to see through foreclosures, the (Victorian) so called sheriff having no lawful instrument (i.e. warrant) to pursue alleged debts, foreclosures seizure of property are sealed, hidden from the public the very public that funds the so called ‘justice system’ for the alleged reason of not being in the interest of the public.

Since the people have ‘agreed’ through their non-action (being consent) to be put into an alternate jurisdiction (from the ‘Commonwealth’) of solely corporate binding contracts, the courts have been compromised where the stakeholders are banking and financial services institutions.

Under the leadership of Malcolm Turnbull, Australia was officially a Goldman Sachs run business, where Turnbull was member the multinational corporation.

The Australian judicature’s stakeholders are the ‘Big Four’ under various guises, where ultimately their interests are held within the clutches of Goldman Sachs.

The claim by the ‘Australian Government’ is that there is a separation of powers within the three tiers of government (executive, government, judicature) where this is false information given the fact of the influence of the ‘brotherhood’ and the banking and financial services sector.

So, how can the victims of the banks obtain a fair and impartial hearing with regards to their grievances?

They can’t.

It doesn't exist.

See video: 'banks & their influence'

16 June 2021

What pharmaceuticals really do


Modern medicine may lay claim to many cures and eradication of diseases.

From global events to alleged global events modern medicine has stepped in and saved the day.

In this day and age, specifically from 2020 with the rapid flow of information, many a layperson has come to knowledge and documentation on a specific topic, where attention has been drawn to the wheelings and dealings of governments, multinationals right down the foot soldiers, that being the doctors.

While racing car drivers give ‘full disclosure’ on their clothing as to who sponsors them , the same cannot be said for the people in the medical profession selling you a multinational's products.

Did they push a product onto you because they got it for free?

How large is the commission on the amount of a certain product they push?

Are they giving you an inferior product, from that company, where other products exist that are better but that health ‘retailer’ has not been signed up to that multinational?

The consumer is kept in the dark on that one, where there is zero sign of the government stepping in with regards to transparency, as there is no ‘benefit’ involved for the authorities.

Will the consumer obtain the deals the government has made with the multinationals in order to scrutinise them, to make sure there are no backdoor deals or illegal transactions?

After all the 'consumers' or rather the taxpayers have the legal right to know, as they're the stakeholders.

When a list of products was given to a professional in the health field, the admission that came back was quite startling that being that pharmaceuticals in general trick the body into believing that nothing is wrong, with regards to a specific ‘problem’ or more precisely a condition, where those substances make the body function as per ‘normal’.

Australians as well as many other people in the world have been given written information that we are participating in the world’s largest trial, as confirmed by Greg Hunt in an interview.

The current liquid that is peddled by various multinationals is a trial liquid, where the general population has ‘consented’ to that trail, agreeing to zero liability or accountability from the producers.

The trial liquid masks (pun intended) the symptoms of the alleged disease, with zero indication of tackling the root cause of the alleged disease.

14 June 2021

Queen’s Birthday celebration a LIE, ‘Queen of Australia’ another LIE, House of Windsor a LIE

There is no such lawful entity as the ‘Queen of Australia’.

The people of Australia are being conned from the top to the bottom (foot soldiers) by the authorities.

For starters the so called Queen’s Birthday in 2021, occurs on the 14th of Jun, 27 Sep, 4 Oct all over the Australia.

This does not match up to any other monarch's birthday with regards to the history of the federated colony of even before.

Queen Victoria’s birthday was on 24 May, successor Edward VII 9 Nov,  George V 3 June, Edward VIII 23 June, George V 14 Dec, Elizabeth II 21 Apr.

Of course there’s an excuse for everything, including the 3 different dates.

Quite simply, the people in government lie, they lie to you (the general population) a LOT, where one of the biggest lies is the legal one called the ‘Queen of Australia’.

The people in government know about this and to make it worse, the judiciary are perpetuating this lie, conning the 'customers' of a corrupt legal business, that is referred to as the justice 'system'.

See a concise explanation in the following seven minute video:


House of ‘Windsor’, meh.

Why the fake name, why not the real lineage, Guelph?