23 July 2021

A behind the scenes look into Facecrook’s censorship

(the red marks marks have been added so that the key words are obscured)

Here is a unique insight into Mark DataBurglar’s ‘social media’ monopoly.

MANY people have the idea that censorship means the redacting of words in articles, but it also means limiting the flow of information, which is exactly what the so called social media forum does.

Here is a screen capture of an article that ‘just’ featured a video clip.

The AI (Artificial Intelligence) software then scanned the frames of the video, and according to the parameters signed of by the data burglar, flagged the post under a particular label, which then limited its propagation.

People are then only shown the numbers of the above post being 72 (whatevers), 44 (comments) and 27 (shares).

The same information was then packaged up differently into a post where it was not flagged and the results speak for themselves, with the ‘full’ statistics made public.

The results at the time of the screen capture are, 14,178 people reached, 205, 209 and 149.

What the public are not shown and the content creator has the following information: 

22 July 2021

Locked up in NSW with the threat of your home invaded by the army?

Do you feel like a prisoner in the colony called Australia?

The so called health pretext is only a 'gateway'.

NOW, they're threatening you with the army at your door step to stab you with an experimental liquid.

Remember they KNOW you're home, because they locked you up.

What happens if you don't answer the door knock, keeping in mind that you are under no legal obligation to do so.

Are they going to break your door down?

Are they going to throw you to the ground, step on your head and stab you with a trial liquid?

The shenanigans of the 'rascals and outlaws' in control of the colony.

See the video that Facecrook restricted:

The next level of surveillance, data collection and AI

We are shunned away from personal computer usage, as PCs generate less data, where we are ‘forced’ to use smart phones in our daily lives e.g. QR codes, contact tracing, (closed source) apps (where this is going to be the new ‘normal’ under the health pretext, which one cannot argue about), instead of web sites, etc.

Now a new era of surveillance, data collection and machine learning is upon us, where Google (and Apple, remembering this duopoly world they make for us) will be in the forefront of using this technology against you and to empower it, providing the results to governments and corporations.

'Malicious' code WILL be injected into the hardware, hidden under IP (Intellectual Property), like it was into the intel processors, which was undetected for years.

The ‘best’ part about digital slavery is that people are blissfully unaware, totally ignorant and empower those who use the technology against us.

Keep using your smart phone to ‘tap & go’ with regards to the carcinogenic food like substances you purchase from McChuck’s, KFC (Kentucky F’cked Chicken), Krispy Kreme etc, where Google, Apple will predict when you’re about to keel over, and will put a bet on your securitised ‘person’ as to your expiry date.

The terms sheeple and corporate fodder make more sense now, no?

See video:

Some people may say that no one is being forced.

See example of being 'forced' to use a smart phone:

18 July 2021

Consumer Warning, Scam Website: Norton's LifeLock

Here is another corporation that is scamming people:

See why in the following technical video:

See also the Vault 7 documents archive from WikiLeaks for more details.