10 February 2022

Australian Government a conflict of interest corporation aggregate

Australia is a white collar criminal's paradise, especially if you're in 'government', supported by the brotherhood.

Many a law has been thrown under a bus, where they tell you one thing and do another.

Human Rights violations are rampant in this colony, but as the saying goes, it's legal until you get caught, where the problem is that the general population doesn't 'catch them out'.

Acting under dictation is illegal, but they do it all the time and they flaunt it too

Above photo from the article: Police acting under dictation

In relation to the current global health situation which will be milked by the Australian Government for quite some time, Australia is a cesspit of many falsified tender processes, shady deals, unaccountable to the public secret deals, money for mates/cousins/nephews/husbands within government/corporate positions.

What is against the law for you (the serf) is not for 'them'.

See further details in this global web of deceit pertaining to Australia within the following 20 minute clip.

Since it is unknown how long the above video will last, it is encouraged to download a copy for your personal reference.

Edit: The above video was removed on the 12th of February:

Where for your information, this is the text describing the video:

If the video is removed by Google it can be viewed here:


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