21 February 2022

How to effectively make government listen to you

The people in government really do not care about you (the serf) or even their 'constituents'.

The only 'care factor' is that their positions in office are secure with a retirement lifestyle that even the working class cannot afford.

The people in government are are allegedly in the 'public service' i.e. to serve the public, and most importantly listen to their 'constituents', but they don't.

The people in government are there to be subservient to their brethren or the 'faceless men', to serve corporate interests, where the so called 'government' of today is a corporation aggregate.

They state that:

“laws are publicly made and the community is able to participate in the law-making process”

BUT, in reality how is that working for you?

Andrews' Draconian law still went through, did it not?

With regards to the recent gatherings/walks/marches/'protests' what was achieved?

What 'remedy' was enacted as a result?


Was a law rolled back?

Were the nationwide oppressive 'rules' dropped?

They are literally laughing at you in their ivory castles, behind their unscalable fences.

So with regards to the global situation that developed over the past couple of years, many people may be of the erroneous belief that the primary objective was the general population's so called 'health'.

Among other priorities, a very real focus of those in control was/is something called the economy, the economy that they so rely upon which survives from the blood sweat and tears of the corporate slaves, that being the general population.

The only thing that they're worried about with regards to your health is how much it's taking out of their 'economy', how much down time it's costing them.

Billions of dollars have been raped from the public purse of so many countries in order to enrich the people in control of the masses.

So, how do people make the government listen to them?

Well we had a template made for us in Melbourne, Australia.

But it wasn't done by 'Australians'.

Sure they may be 'naturalised', made citizens or even maybe 'subjects of Her Majesty', but in reality they were people from India, you know the people who have first hand experience in oppression from the British empire.

They had enough guts to stand up and say enough is enough.

They stopped commerce.

And the people in government listened.

P.S. The Melbourne protesters in 2021 where so close as the government called in the terrorist police, where the legality of this action is very questionable.

So close they were, that's how desperate the government got.

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