28 May 2022

The People's Court?

What are Australia's courts?

- Are they 'Chapter III' courts, as defined in the Constitution, as that's what they MUST be.

- Are they 'corporations' as mentioned by many?

- Are they as stated by the court themselves “The People's Court”?

MANY a respondent/accused has been yelled at by a judicial registrar, magistrate or even judge when questioning the sometimes shady actions of person behind the bar stating that the premises that they are in is "MY court", at which point in time the accused should stop the matter and require the person behind the bar to recuse themselves, as the accused in not going to obtain a 'fair hearing'.

So, let's take a closer look into the court system in Victoria, bearing in mind that this is a complex topic, where only a few aspects have been skimmed through.

On the 14th of February 2020, a document called “MCV 170 Years of the People's Court exhibition (2008).pdf” is published as seen within the link:


From it's own documentation the Magistrates Court states that it was established in 1838, which should be reflected in an Act.

The current Court is 'born' under the Magistrates' Court Act 1989, where in 2008 the Court would be only 19 years old or in 2020 31 years old, yet the court states that it is 170 years old as of 2008.

Remembering that the Court is subject to Victoria's Constitution Act 1975.

There is a problem here as Victoria already had a Constitution prior to federation that being in 1855, where all law prior to federation is to be carried over.

The Victorian Constitution Act 1855 (UK) is an Imperial Act, and since the government of Victoria installed another Constitution in 1975, i.e. 120 years later, did it have the lawfully authority to repeal a UK Imperial Act?

In short, the answer is no, the government of the day did so, unlawfully.

As of November 2021, the people of Victoria are informed that the Magistrates' Court of Victoria conducts business in such a manner as to:

“Develop, maintain, and enhance key relationships with internal and external stakeholders to influence decision making processes and outcomes critical to the success of MCV, including court staff and judiciary, Court Services Victoria, and other Victorian government departments. “

So, let's get this very clear that the court stated that it has internal and external stakeholders to influence decision making processes and outcomes critical to its success.

Who are the internal and external stakeholders?

The only lawful 'stakeholder' (singular and not plural) should be the government under the Crown in right.

The stakeholders the Court mentions are financial services institutions, that have vested interest in the Court's profits arising from cases.

The 'MAGISTRATES COURT VICTORIA' is currently registered as an active business with the ABN 32 790 228 959.

A requirement by ALL business is that they must provide their ABN in business transactions but the 'MCV' does not.

Why is that?

Is there a clause in an Act that the MCV is exempt?

Hundreds of 'persons'/respondents/accused are being deceived per local 'Court' every single day, where the Courts act with impunity.

It seems that the 170 year celebration of the 'The People's Court' has come to a deceitful end many years ago.

The real question is will you (as a victim/respondent/accused) take part in this fraud, let them deceive you or will you take action against their deception?

And that's not even mentioning the 'Queen of Australia' and other taboo/scoffed at topics, that are a legitimate question of law or a 'Section 78B'.

See also :

Courts acting under dictation owned by financial services institutions

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