08 June 2022

One charger for Europe 20 years too late

IF the authorities truly cared about the environment as they allege they do, then it would be reflected in their actions.

The customer is usually punished with higher prices for some sort of alleged environmental project or some 'carbon' tax whatever that means, but corporations that are the world's largest polluters are exempt from hip pocket blows.

In many cases law is put into action in a matter of months or even weeks if it's for the benefit of government or to punish the plebs, yet it takes 20 years to reign in a common standard.

How pathetic!

Apple's claim that it will slow innovation and create more pollution is just plain and simple lies from the world's greatest rip-off corporation.

Apple has one goal and that it to extrude as much cash from their 'fan' base as possible from their mediocre technology that they sell.

Apple is the corporation that actually stifles their users.

When did the copy and paste 'feature' arrive on the iPhone?

Just disable a hardware level feature and enable it in the next model phone is Apple's mantra, where what's worse is that people just accept this.

No Apple you are the one that is truly slowing down innovation in order to maximise the ROI (Return On Investment) from your 'investors'.

We do not recommend the use or purchase or Apple products.

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