05 July 2022

Mainstream media's misguided FOI vs 'real' one

In the immortal words of Tom Cruise in the film Jerry Maguire “Show me the Money” a similarly appropriate phrase would be quite simply, “Show me the FOI!”.

So called journalism has died a while ago, where some will say since 60 Minutes realised that it could capitalise on 'news' by selling it before the Internet age.

Since then, information platforms touting themselves as 'news' services have become click-bait providers for the sole purpose of generating income, from you (the product) in process 'hoovering' metadata from their apps they so desperately need you to use for their so called 'service'.

The biggest 'journalism' farce begins with “we can now reveal” or something similar to that effect, where the Joe (below) Average is led to believe that he/she is reading exclusive/confidential or whatever news story.

The mainstream media's so called FOI (Freedom Of Information) requests do not really cut it when it comes to an alleged exposé of the authority's questionable actions.

They don't even have the decency to publish the question or even the response you know the actual FOI, how pathetic.

And you're paying for this information?

In the motherland, there is a running joke that the colony called Australia is a 'legal basket case' from the mid 1980's, or about the time of the enactment of the Australia Acts.

That's right, plural as in two.

The legal 'geniuses' had no idea which one would stick, so they enacted to, one a 'local' version and another the UK version.

The real legal basket case scenarios started way before 1986, but that's another topic.

That's the (real) state of 'law' in Australia, i.e. NFI.

One of the most important legal farces in this colony is this fictitious/unlawful entity called the 'Queen of Australia'.

Will you ever see the mainstream media write “documents obtained under freedom of information” in relation to this?

Well, you will from one person within constitutionwatch.com.au.

The questions posed:

' I request the document, instrument, or law of the Commonwealth that exempts the courts judges and people of every State and every part of the Commonwealth from the Treason and Felony Act 1848.

I request the instrument that allows the Parliament of Australia under the Queen of Australia to have any lawful effect.

I request the instrument or information that demonstrates the Parliament of Australia as a legal entity.

I require any information in edition to the finding being referenced.'

See response within the document:

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