29 December 2022

In Queensland the lawless state, police want you to inform on persons, neighbours, friends!

WARNING: ‘Conspiracy theory(?) ahead; Queensland is a ‘lawless’ state.

After the shootings at Wieambilla, approx 250km north west of Brisbane on Monday the 12th of December 2022, Queensland police want the general population to do their job for them.

They want people or rather in legal terms; multiple ‘persons’ to snitch/inform/dob in their neighbours, friends or even other unknown persons to them.

If a person knows someone that shows “concerning behaviour” around conspiracy theories, anti government, anti police and specifically stated by police ‘conspiracy theories around Covid-19 vaccinations’ the police want to know about it.

See video:

So, what qualifies a ‘member of the public’ who may not have all the information in particular to the global health situation or what certified qualifications does that person possess to make a judgement call that the person is witnessing a ‘conspiracy theory’ in progress, a discussion or a mere polemic on anything let alone a specific topic.

This is not only an invasion of privacy, but also an attack on freedom of speech, that being policies of a totalitarian state.

One important aspect to note is that the colony’s police forces have been given the legal power to not only monitor social media posts, but also control AND modify them.

That means that police can change text, video and/or audio of person’s post in order to set them up, period.

This is an action of a totalitarian régime.

Let’s have a brief look at a current simple example a prompted by police:

- What constitutes a ‘conspiracy theory’ around a so called covid19 vaccination, as reffered to by police?

- How do you know that you factually have the disease?

- Is it a 'conspiracy theory' given the fact that the test even today cannot be fully validated nor is it NATA accredited?

- Is it a 'conspiracy theory' that the federal health minister stated that it’s a global trial?

- Is it a 'conspiracy' theory' that a US Supreme Court file from 4th of November 2021 states that the injections do not confer immunity therefore do not meet the definition of a vaccine?

- Is it a 'conspiracy theory' that in the European Parliament, Pfizer Director admitted that at the time of introduction, the drug had never been tested on stopping of the virus.

- It is a 'conspiracy theory' unless the Pravda news agency the Rupert Murdoch 'news' empire  or the Xinhua News Agency, Australia's ABC tell the masses about it?

Queensland the ‘lawless’ state.

First and foremost all law must be in line with the colony's founding legal document, that being the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act.

E.g. ALL 'constituted' courts must abide by Ch.III.

Today, there are none, where they are subservient not to the 'Crown' but rather 'stakeholders', but that is a topic outside the scope of this post.

To ensure that the democratic law making process holds it's face value, the ‘Upper House’ (Legislative Council) and ‘Lower House’ (Legislative Assembly) must remain intact in accordance with the Commonwealth Constitution.

In Queensland in 1922, despite a referendum being held where 60% of the people voted to keep the Upper House, the people in government removed it anyway, unconstitutionally.

Therefore any law passed passed from then onwards is technically not in circulation ‘lawfully’.

No public outcry?

Then again there is no ‘public outcry’ from the totalitarian states of China or North Korea.

Australia, the better version of Alcatraz.

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