22 January 2023

City council’s ‘green’ bicycle lane an environmental farce!

Australia is a ‘money for mates’ (penal) colony, and the businesses called ‘city councils’ are rife with fraud.

Useless positions are created within councils that Australian tax payers (usually ‘mums & dads’) have to fraudulently support.

So called ‘environmental’ officers is just one example, people who literally have no qualifications to take on such a role.

In this example the global policy is to ‘force’ people to commute via bicycle.

While it may seem to work in certain areas around the world or for certain people, in many cases this is not a practical mode of transport in relation to Australia.

Practicality aside, let’s look at the environmental impact of one such action which city councils failed to see the consequences of.

When marking out a lane, they use a compound which is prayed on the tarmac indicating that the section of road is for bicycle use only.

In the above example a very small section of road on a roundabout has been applied.

The problem there is that this when applied has high over-spray, which then makes it way into drainage then into the oceans.

The micro plastics then make their way into the food chain, next stating the obvious which is that being, we consume this.

This is even before any wear factor is considered on the applied surface.

This is an environmental disaster which is (deliberately?) overlooked, so some outsourced company can make huge profits from, where its tender process has been falsely acted upon?

Governments are allegedly so concerned about the environmant impact the mankind has apparently made, yet their action state otherwise.

At the end of the day, it's the serfs (not corporations) that pay.

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