25 April 2023

What’s important on ANZAC Day?

Every year it’s the same, where the nation stops to commemorate the perils of war, right?


Only a few hours are set aside, an inconvenience to those who are at the lowest level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.

After all that’s what Australia is all about, the ‘economy’.

Got to keep those mice turning that wheel perpetually.

You, the corporate fodder (or more appropriately known as ‘consumers’) have to keep spending, to keep the economy going, ‘their’ economy.

You’re told not to hoard (old terminology; save up) cash in order to purchase a television or vehicle, but rather get a loan for it to keep the banks and financial institutions profiteering from usury (refer to the Statute of the Jewry) on the fruits of your labour, a modern day accepted form of slavery.

But isn’t hoarding what the global elite do? 

They amass vast sums of cash, lock up art in private collections, and even keep stolen artefacts from their thieving ways, the British ‘monarchy’ as just one example.

What’s not important on ANZAC Day?

For you to know that what is known as World War I, was actually a ‘cousin’s’ war, where the offspring of the serfs were seen as cannon fodder and thus put in their appropriate use case scenario for the entertainment and financial gain of the global elite.

True sociopaths are in control.

What’s more disgusting is that people accept this, but then again, the majority of people are not supposed to think.

See Manufacturing Consent excerpt by Noam Chomsky:

What business did Australia have in going over the seas to kill people of other nations?

Well, the colony is at the disposal of the Imperial empire’s whims, of course.

It’s a breeding ground for resources to be used however fit the empire sees.

Let’s take the example of Indigenous Australians.

Because of their excellent skill sets they where used abroad by the British.

How were they repaid? What did the British think of that?

Well the actions speak for themselves, with the detonation of an atomic bomb in Maralinga.

Have we forgotten about that? 

Maybe we aren't supposed to teach our children, of the poisoning of people and landscapes that governments and corporations do, or your so called ‘recycling’ isn't going to change centuries and millennia of cyclic whether patterns, but rather keep the focus on consumerism?

Hoping McDonald’s is open so we can have a 5 burger deal for lunch only, where for dinner it's KFC for a family size bucket of junk for one to consume. 

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