13 February 2024


The colony’s Anglo-Masonic set-up legal system is corrupt to the core.

Sure, just because many serfs may and do obtain remedies in relation to their (petty) matters before the courts, does not paint the dark and sinister agenda against the good people of Australia.

If one is to present a challenge to a law, a question of law, or technically a Section 78B (in reference to the Judiciary Act 1903), or even a matter that is in the ‘public interest’, that’s when the going gets tough and the deception by the legal system is taken to the next level, with full support of the judiciary, as it is in their vested interest to do so.

With particular reference to Victoria, from a time period in early 2020, when an alleged ‘state of emergency’ was declared, the tier of government referred to as the Judiciary, that being the courts and police have gone into overdrive with regards to covering up the criminal actions of their ‘brethren’, those in positions of power/authority.

From when people started to stand up and take their alleged ‘Infringements’ to court to challenge the actions of those in government, we have sighted many documents pertaining to the matters brought before the courts, where one recurring theme was present.

Instructions were clearly given not to take photographic evidence of the documents, as this may or rather will reveal the source. 

Since the ‘burden of proof’ is on the accuser, in these cases the prosecution, that being Victoria Police, they MUST prove ALL aspects of their claim.

The Defendant or Accused has the right to obtain a ‘Full Brief’ containing ‘Full disclosure’ of documents that the prosecution relies on, that being the actual document declaring the so called ‘State of Emergency’ to whether or not the person issuing this document factually had the authority to do so.

Another fundamental aspect of the matter is that the prosecution must prove that the accused was ‘notified’ of said document, where an ‘advertisement’ over television or radio frequencies is not 'proof of service'.

The Victorian people have been conned out of their tax dollars in supporting Magistrates’ or judicial registrar’s salaries in bogus court hearings over ‘COVID’ fines, as in reality there is no lawfully enacted instrument that can give rise to the existence of said ‘infringement’, something both the police and judiciary are well aware of.

In many cases Victoria Police have been ordered/subpoenaed to produce the required documents, which they do not, with zero consequences arising from ‘contempt of court’.

The judiciary turns a blind eye to contempt of court by Victoria Police.

How ‘fair’ is that to the accused?  

Yet, when an Accused commits contempt of court a reaction by the judiciary is swift.

NO ‘right to a fair hearing’ in the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria.

No ‘person’ in Victoria will have a fair and impartial hearing in the jurisdiction of the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria (MCV), period.

On a side-note, a fundamental legal fact is that a sheriff (of any state in Australia), is an officer of that state’s Supreme Court.

With regards to the state of Victoria, there has not been a lawfully enacted Sheriff, for quite sometime, therefore the collections by any ‘deputy’ sheriff are unlawful, actions which are tied into the MCV, which is another lengthy series of posts described elsewhere.

Another hidden fact is that the 'Infringements Court' is 3 computers operating out of the ground floor of the 277 William St, Melbourne, VIC 3000.

Another legal fact is that ALL courts must operate without prejudice or bias independently of external influence and most importantly to the ‘Crown, in right of [Victoria]’ in this case.

But there is one huge problem that many people many not be aware of.

That is, the Magistrates’ Court of Victoria does not operate independently nor without external influence.

A document from 2021, authored by the MAGISTRATES’ COURT OF VICTORIA

states the business known as the Court operates under the following conditions:

"Develop, maintain, and enhance key relationships with internal and external stakeholders to influence decision making processes and outcomes critical to the success of MCV, including court staff and judiciary,  Court Services Victoria,  and other Victorian government departments."

'External Stakeholders' to the MCV are the banks and financial institutions such as Goldman Sachs, BlackRock, et al.

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