09 May 2024

Covid 'vaccine' withdrawn - AstraZeneca

The AstraZeneca drug is erroneously or rather deliberately falsely advertised as a vaccine, which it is not, as it does not confer immunity.

So, now this drug can no longer be used in the European Union.

Will the colony called Australia follow?

See article:

In any event the authorities have lied about the death rates from the jab, and are much more than officially claimed.

'Big Pharma' knew that their product was dangerous to humans, but governments and corporations still pushed it on the serf population.

The best place to read about the internal documents that prove that these corporations knew about the dangers is through whistleblowers and data leaks.

Actions by governments and corporations in this matter, i.e. 'forcing' the drug on people, are criminal in nature.

1 comment:

  1. https://slaynews.com/news/top-professor-testifies-covid-pandemic-hoax/?utm_source=mailpoet

    "A globally esteemed professor has given an explosive testimony during a federal government hearing in Germany to warn that the Covid pandemic was a hoax.

    Prof. Stefan Homburg testified before top officials that the COVID-19 pandemic did not begin in 2020 as the world has been led to believe."
