12 May 2024

Victoria Police – Thug Life - Unlawful Violence

In Victoria, a monumental event occurred in 2021, when the true colours of Victoria Police have come out, i.e. black uniforms, which pretty much they are now, from the good ol’ days of ‘office’ blue, but with red armbands with a circle and ‘cross’ insignia at least in spirit anyway.

Victoria Police are human rights abusers, act unlawfully, under dictation and with disproportionate violence but worst of all, women abusers.

There is all this talk now, or rather an agenda focusing on the male serfs from the general population abusing women/spouses, where statistically it is literally no different from decades ago.

BUT there is zero focus on male police officer’s abuse against their wives/partners, where statistically it would be alarmingly higher compared the serf pool.

Since the police are part of the Judicial arm of government, it would be of little benefit for their brethren in government launching an investigation into police domestic violence, as it is higher percentage wise compared to the general population pool, where this would expose a ‘no confidence’ in government or policing

So, in short Victoria Police is an organisation that commits criminal activities, where Covid-19 gave them an excuse or opportunity to carry out disproportionate violence towards the general population.

Victoria Police is not an ‘honourable’ organisation, period.

The mainstream media reported court findings on the 11th of May 2024 of a highly publicised event,

see article: https://www.heraldsun.com.au/truecrimeaustralia/police-courts-victoria/judge-rules-victoria-police-violence-unjustified-in-covid-lockdown-protest/news-story/c447aa4f4e903c06a2bbd8b72753b9e1

What is not mentioned or referred to that being probably the most important piece of information, that being the actual court case file from the County Court of Victoria.

See file:

Note the following on the first page: "Body worn camera and Police statements inadmissible at trial"

Australia’s Anglo-Masonic legal system is corrupt and the courts are corrupt, where there is a LOT of ‘misbehaviour’ in the courts where it is difficult for the ‘Joe Average’ or the ‘accused’ to recognise or catch onto the corruption of the judicature.

Unfortunately a remedy could have been given in the lower Court, but wasn’t, therefore the matter was taken to the Country Court of Victoria.

Hidden in plain sight? A BIG snake in the background of the County Court of Victoria.

Since this matter was one of high profile and a matter in the public interest, the matter was dropped by Victoria Police at the County Court jurisdiction, so that evidence would not be on file, that would be damaging to Victoria Police, which is a common tactic used by police if there is overwhelming evidence against them.

Video footage that the accused persons had on police easily shows disproportionate force, and provocation, including ‘plain’ aggravated assault by police, some of which is available in the ‘public domain’, that being YouTube or other social media platforms.

The banning of the accused Mr. Nicholas Patterson from computers is so that he would not post damning footage of the actions of Victoria Police, basically silencing victims of Victoria Police, basically throwing 'free speech' out the window.

BUT can you truly ban someone talking to someone else? 

Maybe the governments of this colony might be working on such a law right now?

Another way Victoria Police silences victims of their criminal actions is that of an NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement), prior to court or settling any compensation claim against police.

Victoria Police does a lot of damage to the community, which is deliberately under-reported by the mainstream media’s non-existent ‘investigative’ journalists, where only a small percentage of people have enough courage to sue.

Having access to resources, information from over a decade ago showed that Victoria Police was sued on average to the tune of $250,000 per week, meaning that the Victorian tax payers where footing this bill and not police perpetrators personally, where the figure is much higher today.

One would have thought that such an important matter which was held from the 3rd-9th of April and finalised on the 16th of April, the Murdoch 'entertainment' empire would have reported on it earlier instead of taking a month to inform its subscribers.

Note: this case file is "Revised, (Not) Restricted and Suitable for Publication", BUT there are MANY cases in the County Courts and High Court that are deemed not suitable for publication, where some of them are deliberately hiding the power of the corrupt governments, state and federal, especially in Constitutional matters.

NEVER forget how Victoria Police assaults pensioners:

NEVER forget how Victoria Police assaulted Corinna Horvath to an inch of her not remembering her name:

"Victoria Police's Chief Commissioner has apologised and paid compensation to a woman almost 20 years after her nose was broken in an unlawful police raid"

20 years to obtain compensation, is this truly 'justice' in the colony called Australia?

Some documented 'facts' of actions by Victoria Police during 'Covid' in 2021


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