12 June 2024

Human Rights abuser Daniel Andrews ‘Companion of the Order of Australia’ award must be revoked!

You know the system is rigged when a Human Rights abuser, a man with over 800 deaths under his belt gets an ‘award’ or do you?

Maybe the ex Victorian premier Daniel Michael Andrews served his masters, the ‘faceless men’ well, you know one for team NWO, hence the award.

His order for Victoria Police to carry out shocking and horrific violence against the general population was unlawful, and Daniel Michael Andrews never saw court time for this.

The ex premier’s order to lock up the residence in North Melbourne public housing, with medical or food rations was Human Rights abuse, yet again he never saw any court time.

um, yes they do

The fact that Victoria Police acted under dictation is also unlawful, something the courts did not punish the police for.

Personally in a criminal act of a hit and run on a bicyclist, where his wife was 'allegedly' behind the wheel, Andrews again never saw any court time.

Andrews lied through his teeth regarding that accident, with zero repercussions.

A secret Patient Care Report developed by the paramedics who attended the crash scene was recently unearthed, revealing the teenage rider was struck by the Andrews’ Ford Territory.

“There needs to be a forensic analysis of the damage to the car and to see whether what’s said by both sides is consistent,” Mr Glare told Sky News host Andrew Bolt.

The ‘brotherhood’ irrespective of being Anglo-Masonic, Fabian or other looks after itself.

Daniel Michael Andrews is a well supported thug and an ‘alleged’ criminal that cannot be touched by the law, basically meaning he is literally above the law.

That’s life in a colony.

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