10 July 2024

Australia’s skyrocketing house prices fuelled by crime syndicates


The Australian governments, both federal and state have allowed internal and external to the colony, criminal organisations to inflate the cost of housing (sales and rentals), where after all it’s a win-win for the governments.

In many countries around the world one cannot purchase real estate, even if one is that country's national unless one is living there or has a permanent address.

No so in the colony called Australia.

ANY global ('alleged') criminal can purchase/lease land here.

While the serfs/plebs within the colony are subject to rigorous financial checks when applying for finance or even rental premises, drug money fueled overseas [and home grown] ‘investors’ can purchase properties in Australia via 'Zoom' or any other online platform, pricing many Australians out of the housing market.

A little while ago when 'the Abbot' was the prime minister of Australia, he stated that 'Australia is open for business', where many Australians did not comprehend the meaning of his words.

What is meant by that statement is that if we could sell our (and your) grandmothers we would, but since 'slavery' is illegal ($7/hr anyone?) we technically can't.

As part of the new immigration policy for Australia, a lot of low quality humans have been deliberately imported into Australia, from all around the world.

With these low quality humans many are from criminal backgrounds coming to Australia to carry on their criminal activities, which the governments and police turn a blind eye to.

Drug money is being allowed to be laundered in the building industry, by the banks and police as both of these institutions are subservient to their brethren in government, where the victims are the good people of Australia, the 'mums and dads investors' and their children.

The so called Tobacco War that is now predominant in the mainstream media is a direct result of importing criminal trash into Australia, where there is zero remedy meaning to 'go back to where you came from' scenario.

Another deliberate action by the government.

MANY say 'the system is broken' but in reality, it's functioning exactly the way it was designed by the Anglo-Masonic legal system.

Australia, being part of the FiveEyes global surveillance network, is one one the most surveilled nations on the planet, where authorities claim that is for the protection of the people in relation to stamping out crime, yet with all this surveillance the authorities allow criminal organisations to flourish, because the governments profit from this.

That's life in a (penal) colony called 'Straya!

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