01 September 2024

Police send spam via mail - Warning: Do Not Use QR codes

The colony’s police forces are far from honourable, but rather are deceitful and dishonest, even committing criminal offences that largely go unpunished.

Victoria Police are now in the business of sending unsolicited and unsubscribed to propaganda via Australia Post, as seen in the document below.

This unsolicited letter is allegedly from a "Mark D" from the State Emergency Service (SES) of Victoria.

This so called letter can be irrelevant with regards to your allegation to a breach of the law, where it is designed to appeal to your emotions.

Basically another 'scam', just like the 'Towards Zero' campaign was where police and government were fully aware that the road toll being zero can never be achieved.

What's more concerning is that the letter contains a "QR" code, which is a privacy threat, as privacy and security threat, as described by the government.

The Australian Signals Directorate, has issued a warning about QR codes, which it has since removed, stating the following:

“Scanning a QR code which directs you to a non-government website requesting your name, phone number and email address, could result in your personal contact information being used for marketing or criminal purposes”.

The Australian Signals Directorate removed the danger warning within the following link:


Why is this so?

Aren't QR codes STILL a danger today?

To make matters worse, the government changed this information within the link.

The information within the original link, was backed up on the 26th of November 2020 and can be seen here:


This content differs at a later point in time.

In November 2021, the content was as follows:


To totally different content in March of 2023, where the original link was no longer available, containing the following replacement:


Make no mistake about it the people in the business called the 'Australian Government' are corrupt at many levels.

One thing is for sure, Sydney Criminal Lawyers have not removed or changed their article on this topic, as seen within the link:


See also:

Gov. lies on who can access your 'tracing' & QR code details, exposed in secret court case

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